Detailing the Media Server Website

2008/09/21 - media%20server

My progress on the media server website has been slow, but nevertheless it is coming along. The framework and backend part of the site is reaching the public testing stages and the source will soon be available for hacking.

As I mentioned in previous posts, the site revolves around 2 main sections of functionality. The ‘modules’ section which contains the input processors for reading in files, and the ‘plugins’ section which contains very specific functionality for using the files. The information is stored in a generalized database with each table containing the data for each individual module. The front end can consist of various templates.

Aesthetically pleasing design:

I have stopped working on the inferior but still useful list output, and have implemented an API called Ext JS that offers a wider range of functionality. Although it uses some intense JavaScript, the library is very stable and has turned out nicely. The best part is; I didn’t have to design any of it graphically. All I have done is implement the conceptual ideas and some extra functionality.

I am trying to accomplish a design that combines features from our favorite operating systems and media players. The windows like look and feel of a file browser, the iTunes look and feel of a media player, and a VLC conversion engine on the backend is the ultimate goal. As you can see from the site below, it is coming along nicely.

Please save the security testing until the code is available, I am constantly making improvements on the backend security, but I can only work so fast.