How to become a 10x developer

2020/01/01 - work

The title is pure clickbait. Because I am vehemently opposed to this phrase. It's disgusting, it's arrogant, it's flagrantly divisive. I am extremely disappointed that a woman would write this article knowing full well the Software Industry is unfortunately dominated by men. It is adding salt to the wound and self-promotional in an already selfish world. It says to me "I am something that you are not. You have a long road to get to where I am even though I know nothing about the road you've been on." So, instead of suggesting the reader go off on some stupid laborious escapade to try to improve your skills in some menial way. Please, allow me to offer a different definition that pretty much only has to do with attitude.

  1. Just write some code. Any code. Simple. DO NOT ABC (Always Be Coding), interleave disciplines instead.
  2. Modify your code, or someone else's code to fit your purpose.
  3. Treat your code, old code, other people's code like burried treasure that you can use to buy a new pirate ship.

That's it. If you agree with these 3 statements, in my opinion, you are already a 10x developer. The article I am referring to is here and it was curated and promoted by a publishing group, so more than a few people chose to promote this.